Sunday, November 9, 2008

Biggest swing so far in my bankroll

Yesterday my bankroll dropped all the way down to $320 and 5 hours later when I quit playing I was back up to $449. It was unbelievable! I went to my favorite cigar lounge and enjoyed a Blanc Cuvee while playing 4 tables. I just finished and I am up to $515.00. I am not sure if I am going to be playing anymore tonight. If I do I will post again and share a couple of interesting hands with you. I am in a hurry right now... so I got to run.

Brandon Mark


  1. nice job brandon!pretty soon you'll be opening your own coaching site (or cigar afficiando site!) lol

    keep it up...

  2. Nice, it's good to see that your bankroll is coming along. Keep up the good work, and maybe I'll be seeing you at .50/1 and 1/2 soon!
