Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Why do people always leave the table after getting stacked

At the micro limits most people always leave the table after they get stacked, why is this? Where else are they going? I am confident they aren't all just quitting... How frustrated can you be it was only $20. This was just an observation I had during my recent session. My bankroll has taken a hit but I am building it back up. I am now at $211.71. I am holding my own at $20NL, over all I have been satisfied with my play. My biggest enemy is probably impatience, but I continue to tell myself Rome was not built in a day and neither will my bankroll.

I am considering doing a marathon session this Saturday. I need to see what my fiance's plans are. I think she is working all weekend. If that is the case then I will play like a 10 hour or 12 hour session if all goes well this Saturday. I will not do this in one sitting. I will break it up into 3 or 4 sessions doing 3 or 4 hours at a time. As long as I don't run horrible or get exhausted I will play throughout the day. I will update this blog on each break that I take. As we get closer to the weekend I will mention this more.

Thanks for reading,
Brandon Mark

1 comment:

  1. That's a great question. Are they embarrassed so they leave? Are they going to smoke a cigarette? What?

    Part of this game is losing, that's just the first hurdle and we take it as a place to learn. Getting emotional over it points to leaks.
