You read that correctly. I am currently learning a money management lesson. It has led to a downward spiral of my bankroll. A couple of nights ago I started playing 8 tables up from my max of 6. Also, I could not find many good 20NL tables but I saw 4 really loose 50NL tables. Well before the night was out I lost 4 buyins at 50NL. Two were really bad beats one was clearly misplayed and the other I was just out played by the villian.
Since then I have been on the wrong side of variance mostly this A.M. at 20NL my AA was cracked by QQ when he made a straight on the river??? But that is all part of this game we call poker. The good news is, I know I can handle the mechanics of 8 tables. I will most likely continue to play 8 tables but I am now playing back at 20NL and 10NL if I can't find enough good 20NL tables.
Also playing more tables does allow the chance to earn alittle more rakeback. That may be my silver lining for the month. I had a goal of earning $250 this month with rakeback. Now my goal is just to do damage control. Stay tuned... this might get ugly! :)
Brandon Mark
First online poker rankings of 2012
13 years ago